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Archeofilm Veronafilmfestival TeatroRistori comuneverona firenzearcheofilm Veronaunderground

Verona underground on the big screen. Along with ancient Pompeii and the mysteries of Tutankamon. It is Verona Archeofilm, the new mini-film festival promoted by Comune - Verona Film Festival with Archeologia Viva - Firenze Archeofilm. This is the year zero of an initiative destined to expand in the coming years.

  Archeofilm Veronafilmfestival TeatroRistori  comuneverona  firenzearcheofilm  Veronaunderground

The appointment is for October 22nd, at the Teatro Ristori, starting at 4.30pm, with a day entirely dedicated to screenings and meetings. The program includes nine films, including films and shorts, and a meeting with Francesca Ghedini, professor of Archeology at the University of Padua. All appointments are free of charge until all available seats are available.

L'assessore Briani durante la presentazione [foto]

The films, selected by Dario Di Blasi artistic director of Firenze Archeofilm, will present to the public some of the best world productions realized on the "historical-archaeological" theme. The ancient Pompeii, the mysteries of Tutankhamun, the labyrinth of the Minotaur, the "dark ages" of the Middle Ages, the Battle of Cannes, the secrets of underground Verona, are just some of the arguments proposed on the big screen of Ristori.

It starts at 16.30, with the screening of 'Malagne Gallo-Roman' by Philippe Axell (Belgium, 18 ') and' Tutankhamun, the secrets of the pharaoh: a warrior king 'by Stephen Mizelas (UK, 50'), both proposed in Italian.

At 18, instead, meeting with Professor Ghedini on "Verona and beyond: architecture and power in the Roman world", curated by Piero Pruneti, director of Archeology Viva.

Next, screenings will continue with "Discovering Verona underground. The archaeological site of Corte Sgarzerie by Davide Borra (Italy, 15 ′); ‘Apud Cannas’ by Francesco Gabellone (Italy, 16 ’); ‘Living in the ruins of Isılay Gürsu’ (Turkey, 14 ’), in the original language with Italian subtitles.
Finally, at 9 pm, presentation of the films: "Creta, the myth of the Labyrinth" by Mikael Lefrançois and Agnès Molia (France, 26 '), in French with subtitles in Italian; "The mysterious volcano of the Middle Ages" by Pascal Guérin (France, 52 "), in Italian; "In search of the dark ages by Jakub Stepnik" (Poland, 8 "), with Italian subtitles; ‘The house of Giulio Polibio in Pompei’ by Alessandro Furlan (Italy, 12 ’).

The Verona Archeofilm program was presented this morning by the Culture Councilor Francesca Briani. Present were the director of Verona Film Festival Paolo Romano and the artistic director of Florence Archeofilm Dario Di Blasi.

"A sort of preview-launch - Councilor Briani explains - for an event that we would like to expand in the future to enhance, also through the tool of cinema, that extraordinary" historical-archaeological "heritage that characterizes our city. This event joins the two historic Verona Film Festivals "Schermi d’Amore" and "Corti per piccoli".

  Archeofilm Veronafilmfestival TeatroRistori  comuneverona  firenzearcheofilm  Veronaunderground

veronafilmfestival,   comuneverona, firenzearcheofilm Il Teatro Ristori è un teatro della città di Verona, con una capienza di 496 posti inaugurato nel 1844 e riaperto nel 2011 dopo un lungo lavoro di restauro. Indirizzo: Via Teatro Ristori, 7, 37122 Verona VR Telefono: 045 693 0001

Archeofilm Verona Film Festival Teatro Ristori comune verona firenze archeofilm Verona Underground Archeofilm Veronafilmfestival TeatroRistori comuneverona firenzearcheofilm Veronaunderground teatro ristori carmignola teatro ristori verona telefono teatro ristori srl teatro ristori stagione 2019 2020 lo schiaccianoci teatro ristori verona biglietti teatro ristori teatro ristori prosa teatro ristori verona storia -

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